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Noah's Lark With Windows


  • To combine the attack and defense in a challenging game.

  • To develop Wall-Passes and One-Two's.



  • One team vs. the other, also pairs to keep a count of goals scored and conceded.


  • Area 30 x 20 yards with goals eight yards wide.

  • 6 vs. 6, with partners assigned on each team: each partner given a number from 1 to 3.

  • Coach shouts number (1-3) and rolls ball into play.

  • The two pairs with that number come out of goal to compete against each other.

  • Remaining players must stay on goal line and defend goal without using hands.

  • Goal can only be scored below knee height.

  • On the outside lines are the coach and assistant coach (or a players) who can receive a pass from any player, but must pass it back to the same player or his team-mate.

  • When ball goes out of play, coach can immediately serve in another to same pairs - or allow pairs to go back to goal line.

  • Ball can also be played back to "goalkeepers," who must play ball back with no more than two touches.

  • Do not let "goalkeepers" move out off goal line. Penalty kick from six yards out if they do.



  • When defending, one player should go to player with ball.

  • Supporting player must watch other attacker, mark the dangerous space and cover partner all at the same time.

  • Coach should encourage dribbling, passing and shooting to the "team" in possession.

  • Encourage "goalkeepers" to defend as a wall together, and to move as a unit to block shooting angle.



  • Not Applicable

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